Does SEO Still Matter? Is SEO Dead Today?

SEO has been a crucial strategy for businesses trying to rank higher in search engines. But with changes to Google’s algorithm and the rise of AI, some have questioned whether SEO matters anymore.

We’ll explore why some think SEO is dead, how it has evolved, and why SEO is still an essential and worthwhile investment today.


Search engine optimization has been an essential strategy for businesses wanting to rank higher for over two decades. By optimizing content to match what searchers are querying through keywords, brands could climb up the SERPs to reach the first page. This inbound marketing tactic helped companies earn qualified visitors without paying for ads. No wonder SEO spending kept increasing over the years.

However, recent years have seen Google make seismic shifts in how its algorithm determines rankings. The SEO landscape has transformed from machine learning (RankBrain) to a stronger focus on user experience. This has led some experts to declare that “SEO is dead.”

So, does still matter anymore in 2023 and beyond? Or has this once-crucial strategy truly died off? This guide will explore:

  • Why some marketers think SEO has become irrelevant
  • How SEO has evolved to stay aligned with Google’s algorithm
  • Key tactics and best practices that still work today
  • Why it remains a worthwhile investment for modern businesses

Let’s dive in to unravel the current state of search engine optimization.

Key Takeaways:

  • SEO has evolved but is far from dead – it still matters in 2023
  • Creating high-quality, comprehensive content is the #1 focus
  • Optimizing for voice search and featured snippets is key
  • Leveraging AI and data enhances SEO efforts
  • Building links naturally still impacts organic rankings
  • Technical SEO cannot be ignored
  • Tracking efforts and iterating based on results is crucial

Why Some Believe SEO is Dead

Given how much SEO has changed over the past decade, it’s understandable why some marketers think it’s outdated or no longer effective. Here are the main reasons experts make the “SEO is dead” declaration today:

Google’s Algorithm Updates

One of the biggest evolutions is Google’s algorithm – the secret set of codes and formulas underpinning search results on SERPs. Google has to tweak it to surface better results for users. Major updates like Hummingbird (2013), RankBrain (2015), and BERT (2019) have altered how pages rank:

  • Hummingbird – Focused more on semantic search, context, and meaning over exact keyword matches. Long-tail natural language queries became more important.
  • RankBrain – Leveraged AI and machine learning to better interpret search intent. Moved beyond keywords to contextual understanding.
  • BERT – Introduced pre-training technique to analyze words in relation to all other words in sentences. This improves contextual understanding even more.

These changes meant focusing solely on exact keyword matches and volumes weren’t optimal anymore. The algorithm had grown smarter at deducting search intent beyond keywords.

The Shift Towards User Experience

Google aims to provide the most relevant results and best user experience. So it will always favor pages that satisfy searchers, not just target keywords. Tactics like over-optimizing and awkwardly stuffing keywords started diluting user experience. So Google’s updates rightfully penalized such manipulative SEO tactics.

The Rise of AI

AI has brought automation to keyword research, content creation, and link building. This has sparked fear that human SEO experts could become obsolete. While valid, this thinking also overlooks how AI is augmenting SEO experts rather than fully replacing them.

The Growing Adoption of Voice Search

Voice search has risen fast with the popularity of smart speakers and assistants like Alexa. Appearing in featured snippets for natural language voice queries will be key. Some think voice will make keywords irrelevant. Though vital, voice is still just one of many search modalities. Text-based search remains dominant.

Harder to Manipulate Results

The days of quickly gaming SEO through link farms, keyword stuffing, etc are over. Google is too smart to let people create backlinks or content just to trick algorithms. You can no longer fake your way up by gaming the system.

While these reasons reveal how different modern SEO is compared to the 2000s, they don’t mean SEO is fruitless today.

Is SEO Really Dead?

Despite Google’s algorithm getting more advanced and prioritizing UX over rote keyword matching, SEO is far from dead. The truth is somewhere between “completely changed” and non-existent.

Here are a few signs that it still matters and drives results:

  • SEO traffic remains highly valuable: Organic search remains the #1 source of digital marketing channels for 59% of businesses. It converts better than social media or paid search traffic since it taps into user intent. Search engine traffic quality is vastly superior to other channels.
  • Ranking high organically still delivers results: Pages on the first SERP results get almost 95% of organic clicks. So, ranking high definitely boosts traffic potential. Brands in the top 3 spots get 54.4% of clicks. The first slot on page 1 alone gets 39.8%. Clearly, higher rankings equal more visibility and traffic.
  • Google still lists SEO as a key digital marketing strategy: Google’s official blog and search educational materials continue touting SEO’s importance. Google wouldn’t recommend a supposedly “dead” tactic.
  • Mobile and voice search are rising: Mobile now drives over 63% of Google’s searches. Voice search queries have tripled over the last few years. SEO needs to optimize for these emerging contexts, not ignore them.
  • Google drives most website traffic. Over 63,000 searches happen every second on Google globally. People overwhelmingly use Google for search on both desktop and mobile. Catering your website content to Google’s algorithm matters big time.
  • Experts continue evolving strategies: Savvy SEO pros don’t cling to outdated tactics. They adapt to Google’s shifting algorithms and evolve strategies accordingly. Agile SEO still works amazingly.

So, nope, search engine optimization isn’t even close to dead. But what does modern SEO look like in 2023 and beyond?

The Evolution of Modern SEO

SEO has transitioned from focusing narrowly on keywords, links, and density to a more holistic, user-centric model. Google’s algorithm will likely keep getting more contextually smart. To stay in tune with its shifts, leading SEO practices have evolved around these themes:

1. Creating High-Quality, Comprehensive Content

Google wants to satisfy searchers’ intent with comprehensive content, not thin pages bloated with keywords. So, the ideal content marketing today:

  • Thoroughly covers topics with valuable insights vs chasing keywords
  • Uses keywords organically and naturally
  • Provides unique value that readers want
  • It is well-written for readers, not just search bots
  • Is optimized to answer voice search queries
  • Makes liberal use of lists, tables, images, videos
  • Is regularly updated to stay evergreen and useful

Such content ranks better because it gives readers and Google exactly what they want.

2. Optimizing for Featured Snippets and Quick Answers

Featured snippets are those special text boxes Google sometimes shows at the top of SERPs to answer search queries directly. Getting your page into the featured snippet spot for your target keyword gives it prime visibility. Optimization tips include:

  • Use natural language and conversational words
  • Answer the query directly
  • Include keywords prominently
  • Summarize key information from page
  • Adapt content structure for Q&A style

Many voice searches are “quick answer” queries where the user wants immediate information. Structuring pages to provide this helps earn featured snippet placements.

3. Leveraging AI Tools Like ChatGPT and Claude for Content Creation

AI Tools Like ChatGPT and Claude for Content Creation

AI tools like ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude offer exciting new capabilities for content generation. They can take keyword prompts and produce long-form draft posts within seconds. This has great potential to amplify content creation efficiency.

However, relying on AI-generated content is risky for SEO. While tools like ChatGPT and Claude produce coherent drafts, the output still requires refinement from human copywriters before publishing.

Here are vital steps human experts add to ensure quality:

  • Evaluating readability. The language and sentence structure of AI tools may sound unnatural. Humans edit the drafts to improve flow and clarity. Readability analysis tools like the Hemingway App help assess grade-level readability.
  • Checking for plagiarism. AI-generated content can sometimes plagiarize source material. Running drafts through plagiarism checkers like Grammarly or Copyscape is essential.
  • Assessing originality. Tools like analyze how much of the content is original vs compiled from elsewhere. This allows us to improve uniqueness.
  • Adding examples and stats. AI drafts tend to lack specific examples and statistics, which make posts more authoritative. Human writers add these.
  • Aligning with strategy: Humans ensure the final piece aligns with broader content and SEO strategy vs a generic post.
  • Formatting and structuring: Humans optimize formatting like headers, lists, and tables for scannability. AI often produces text blocks.

The key is striking the right balance.

Some competent SEO teams use hybrid workflows. AI drafts are assigned to human copywriters for refinement before publishing. This allows AI and humans to complement each other’s strengths for the best output.

So, in summary, tools like ChatGPT and Claude are aids to copywriters, not substitutes. AI accelerates draft generation while humans ensure quality and optimization alignment. This hybrid approach allows creatives to produce more content cost-effectively.

4. Building High-Quality Backlinks

Links remain one of the best ways websites “earn authority” in Google’s eyes. But spammy linking practices like buying links or mass guest posting don’t work anymore. The focus today is on:

  • Getting genuine editorial links from relevant sites through outreach
  • Securing backlinks via organic collaboration with other reputable sites
  • Building relationships with influential sites and writers in your industry
  • Creating genuinely useful content that sites want to link to

5. Doubling Down on Technical SEO

Optimizing site architecture, speed, and infrastructure matter just as much as content for SEO today:

  • Make sure a site is mobile-friendly and super fast-loading
  • Structure URLs and navigation intuitively
  • Get XML sitemaps and robots.txt right
  • Render pages optimally no matter the device
  • Build a secure, crawlable site on strong infrastructure

Neglecting technical SEO can cripple content-focused efforts. Holistic optimization is key.

6. Tracking Everything and Iterating

Modern search engine optimization is data-driven. Analyzing key metrics using Google Analytics and Search Console is crucial for informing strategy.

Connect how changes to content, backlinks, and site correlate with rankings and organic traffic. Optimize based on what the data reveals over time. SEO is always a work in progress.

Key SEO Tactics That Still Matter Today

Many legacy SEO practices are now obsolete. But several proven tactics still positively impact search rankings when executed right:

  • Thorough keyword research. Identifying high-value, low-competition keywords through tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush, and Google Keyword Planner.
  • Optimized title tags and meta descriptions. Crafting compelling title tags and meta descriptions that include keywords to draw clicks.
  • ALT text optimization. Adding keyword-optimized ALT text to images to improve rank and contextual understanding.
  • Internal linking. Interlinking related content across sites using LSI keywords to establish topical authority.
  • Content optimization. Incorporating keywords naturally into headings, text, lists, and media captions. Not stuffing or over-optimizing.
  • Quality backlinking. Securing contextual, editorially-given backlinks from reputable external sites through outreach.
  • Site speed optimization. Improving site speed through compression, caching, optimizing code, etc. Faster sites rank better.
  • Mobile optimization: Creating responsive, fast-loading sites on all devices. Over 63% of search is now mobile.
  • Schema markup: Adding JSON-LD structured data to help search bots understand page content.
  • Sitemaps and robots.txt: Proper XML sitemaps and robot.txt files to guide search crawler indexing.
  • Local SEO: Optimizing online profiles on Google My Business or Bing Local for local pack rankings.

Why SEO Still Matters Today and Tomorrow

Given how much Google’s algorithm have changed over the years, is investing in SEO still worth it? We think so. Here’s why SEO remains an essential strategy:

1. Search Is Still the #1 Source of Website Traffic and Leads

Recent surveys reveal anywhere between 53% of a website’s total traffic comes from organic search. And this traffic converts better because it taps into user intent. SEO also costs significantly less than paid search ads over the long run.

2. Ranking High Drives More Awareness and Conversions

Page 1 Google rankings get 95% of search clicks. So if you want visibility and traffic, you must rank high in organic results. Most clicks go to the top 3 listings. SEO remains the best way to earn those coveted rankings and traffic potential.

3. SEO Traffic Quality is Exceptional

Visitors from SEO enter your site through a zeroed-in entry point – the specific page matching their query intent. So, they already have context on your solutions. The leads gained from organic searches convert at much higher rates.

4. It Complements All Other Marketing Channels

Organic traffic combines powerfully with paid search, social, email campaigns and content marketing efforts. So, not having an SEO strategy weakens other channels, too.

5. Mobile Usage Continues to Rise

Google is used for over 60% of mobile searches. If you want visibility on mobile SERPs, SEO is mandatory.

6. SEO Builds Brand Trust and Authority

Ranking high organically signals to customers that your brand is authoritative. This builds powerful brand trust and loyalty.

7. Your Competitors Are Using SEO

Make no mistake: SEO is very much alive across industries. If you ignore it while your rivals embrace it, they will gradually steal your organic visibility and traffic. Maintaining an edge in SEO is essential for competitive survival.

In essence, SEO remains vital for reaching customers online and staying competitive in 2023 and beyond.

Wrapping Up

SEO has evolved from the tactics of a decade ago. But it would be short-sighted to call it obsolete or dead based on this. Savvy SEO experts have adapted strategies to align with Google’s more semantic algorithm. They focus on wowing searchers through content quality, not gaming the system.

With in-depth topic coverage, optimization for featured snippets, responsible backlinks, leveraging AI, and technical improvements – modern SEO still delivers unparalleled returns. It just requires seeing SEO as a holistic marketing strategy beyond keywords alone.

SEO isn’t dying. It’s thriving through reinvention. Competent practitioners understand Google’s shifting priorities and align strategies accordingly. They build trust, not trickery. By providing genuine value to searchers, not rank-chasing manipulation, SEO will continue ranking pages high for years.

So no – SEO is far from dead. SEO remains alive and kicking as a top inbound marketing channel for businesses that embrace evolutions in practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is keyword targeting no longer important in SEO?

Keywords still matter for understanding user intent and search behavior. But modern SEO focuses on comprehensive topics using keywords naturally vs awkward keyword stuffing. Keyword optimization has evolved, not died.

Do backlinks still influence rankings in 2023?

Backlinks remain crucial, but low-quality manipulation tactics like buying links no longer work. The focus now is on earning authoritative backlinks organically from reputable sites. So yes, quality backlinks still sway rankings.

Has voice search made SEO less relevant?

Voice is rising in adoption but remains just one search modality. Text-based search still dominates. Good SEO optimizes for both. Voice search queries do incorporate more natural language which modern SEO has adapted to.

Can I ignore technical SEO elements if my content is good?

Technical SEO, like site speed, mobile optimization, proper URL structures, and crawlability remains very important for bots to analyze and index your site effectively – irrespective of content quality. Holistic SEO requires both great content AND technical optimizations.

Is AI-generated content bad for SEO?

AI content has quality issues like readability, plagiarism, and relevance problems. But with human oversight, AI can generate drafts for writers to refine, making content creation more efficient. This human + AI balance allows for scalable, optimized content.

Should I focus only on ranking #1 for my target keyword?

Top rankings help, but fixating only on the top spot is risky. Appearing on page 1 across relevant search results for your niche keywords signals stronger authority.


Google will likely keep evolving its algorithm as AI gets more advanced. This will change parts of SEO. But its core role – optimizing online content to satisfy search queries and attract organic traffic – remains valuable and will keep evolving, too. SEO still delivers unrivaled ROI compared to other marketing channels.

Brands that recognize SEO’s new contours and align their strategies will continue thriving. Those who call SEO outdated and abandon it will cede organic visibility to competitors. By embracing change, SEO specialists ensure brands stay discoverable through organic search – the top inbound channel – for years.